Nowadays securing data access is essential and ensuring appropriate security is necessary. Understanding the importance of strong authentication is fundamental in a context of constantly changing digital uses and threats.
We provide security technologies for user authentication, data encryption (identity management, physical control access and time-presence management.
Passwords have become an integral part of our lives. Anything and everything, that holds our data requires the use of passwords. Earlier, it seemed easy to remember our credentials but with growing technology, remote work culture, and the growing number of online accounts, it truly has become burdensome to remember every password that we have used or kept, unless we had a computer chip implanted in our brain, but alas we do not. This forgetfulness has led many of us to use low-strength passwords that can be breached easily by hackers. Many organizations have begun to realize this and slowly the world is moving to a passwordless digital culture. However, the importance of passwords remains.
The use of passwords cannot be eliminated because it brings a sense of security to the end-user that their information is safe. However, the approach to passwordless culture, although challenging, cannot be ignored. Many IT professionals believe that the future of their organization now relies upon going from password to passwordless for the end-user.
The Ambisecure helps organizations accelerate to a passwordless future with resident credentials by providing support for the FIDO2 protocol. FIDO2 supports not only today’s two-factor authentication but also paves the way for eliminating weak password authentication, with strong single or multi factor hardware-based authentication.
To eliminate the vulnerabilities of password logins, strong authentication solutions are required. AmbiSecure offers products and services using cryptographic devices (smart cards or USB tokens). This makes it possible to secure work sessions and access resources on the company network using a local directory with (FIDO2 solutions).
Effective identification is essential for secure and simplified management of physical access control to buildings and offices. AmbiSecure cards offers smarctcard access control solutions based on FIDO certificates and dedicated protocols such as NFC. They meet the highest levels of security, AmbiSecure Card can be used in a variety of applications such as time-presence management, canteen card, secure printing access etc. These solutions ensure simple and efficient control (copy impossible).
Establish user presence, and prevent remote takeovers, with a simple touch or a re-tap of the AmbiSecure key or card during login
One thing hackers and malware on a computer cannot do is physically touch something. Your direct physical approval is required to log in.
No need to remember multiple passwords because by plugging AmbiSecure device into your computer or by tapping it on an NFC enabled cell phone, it automatically inputs your username and password. It works with Windows, macOS, or Linux, just press a button to login securely!
Extremely durable, waterproof, and tamper resistant design allows you to take your AmbiSecure key or card with you everywhere.
The Ambisecure offers superior security by combining hardware-based authentication and public key cryptography to effectively defend against phishing attacks and eliminate account takeovers. It offers support for FIDO U2F and FIDO2.
The hardware chips are designed to resist physical attacks like brute force to extract sensitive information stored in the chipset.
The key or card will not read or store any information personal information from your computer or online accounts and is completely GDPR compliant.
Includes an easy-click button, functioning indicator light, and easily attach it to your keychain. It can also be manifested as an employee ID card thus not requiring the user to carry any extra hardware.
The AmbiSecure card or key provides a simple and intuitive authentication experience that users find easy to use, ensuring rapid adoption and organizational security.