
Common Misconceptions about Two-Factor Authentication

Dear Readers,

This week’s blog is about Common Misconceptions about Two-Factor Authentication; Being careless can cost us. Cyber threats and attacks have proven how susceptible our online information can be. Over-reliance on password authentication is not secure. Many of us often use weak, easy-to-remember passwords which can be hacked with ease. To make things worse, people often reuse the same password on several websites and applications.

The only solution to protect accounts is to make passwords stronger by adding another layer of protection to them. This is known as two-factor authentication. Many online sites have now begun implementing 2FA as an approach to mitigate the risk associated with their customers’ information being leaked on the dark web.

Although two-factor authentication has proven to be effective for most users, yet some companies are still hesitant about implementing it. This is due to some misconception that revolves around 2FA, its function, and reliability.

Ambimat Electronics, with its experience of over forty years, desires to draw the attention of its readers and potential customers towards this blog post about their new product called AmbiSecure key and how it will benefit us.

Let us now look into some myths about two-factor authentication which can confirm whether 2FA is reliable, or not.

Top 5 Myths about Two-Factor Authentication


Myth # 1: If an organization faces a cyber-attack, implementing two-factor authentication quickly can secure the system.

Reality: Two-factor does provide protection, but it cannot be achieved overnight throughout the system. It takes time. For example, organizations will have to supply their employees with hardware security tokens, or using a special mobile application to generate two-factor authentication. The use of OTPs is required to log into websites and applications. Implementing 2FA rapidly will allow many users to lose access to their system, as they would not have the required device to log in. Even if OTPs are delivered over the phone, many websites would require their customer’s mobile numbers before starting off with 2FA authentication.

Myth # 2: Two-factor authentication is not prone to common cyber threats.

Reality: Two-factor authentication achieved through SMS and OTPs are solely relying on the security measures provided by the mobile operator. Unfortunately, many mobile operators do not offer adequate security with respect to SMS. Besides this, malicious programs may already be present in user smartphones. This program can intercept SMS and OTPs. Therefore, 2FA based on SMS and OTPs can attract the attention of cyber-attackers.

Myth # 3: It is impossible to achieve 2FA with only one gadget

Reality: Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives. Apart from calling, it can perform several functions. 2FA vendors have already understood how important smartphones are, and most have already implemented OTPs in them. There are several authenticators that users can download, such as Google authenticator, Microsoft authenticator, and many more. Now, users can use their smartphones as a second-factor authentication to log in to their accounts.

Myth # 4: Two-factor is bothersome and irritating and does not bring much benefit to the organization.

Reality: Some organizations do feel that 2FA is a bothersome process. They often use technology that is ineffective as two-factor authentication should be. For example, if the use of fingerprints is enabled, and imagine if someone got hold of user fingerprints, the user will no longer be able to use this factor as 2FA.  It is recommended for the user to implement two-factor technologies that provide them adequate security without compromising on user experience and are cost-effective. Location-based authentication is a great example of convenient two-factor authentication. However, the bottom line is, if organizations doubt the competence of 2FA to protect user credentials and information, then they should consider the fact that if one user credential is stolen, what impact would it have on their overall security structure. The price for losing confidential data is much higher than implementing two-factor authentication.

Myth # 5: Implementing Two-factor authentication is expensive

Reality: Some two-factor authentication does cost money, but not all are expensive. Users may incur expenses if they use text messages as an authentication factor. However, there are ways by which SMS can be replaced by cheaper variants. This is called push notification. Additionally, users can install a one-time password generator on their smartphones.

Even with some misconceptions around two-factor authentication, it is still a cost-effective solution that significantly improves security. 2FA is a means to safeguard user identity and therefore when implementing them, organizations should consider that it does not become a burden to end-users. An effective 2FA will serve as a shield to resist attackers while giving a streamlined user experience.

AmbiSecure: A Trusted Partner in Two-Factor Authentication

FIDO2 is a standard that simplifies and secures user authentication. It uses public-key cryptography to protect from phishing attacks and is the only phishing-proof factor available. Corporations around the world and across many sectors can benefit from Fast Identity Online or Fast ID Online (FIDO) authentication, which their employees and users can use to minimize security risks and improve the user experience. We use FIDO for our AmbiSecure key and card which offers superior security by combining hardware-based authentication and public key cryptography to effectively defend against phishing attacks and eliminate account takeovers.

AmbiSecure helps organizations accelerate to a password-less future by providing support for the FIDO2 protocol. FIDO2 supports not only today’s two-factor authentication but also paves the way for eliminating weak password authentication, with strong single-factor hardware-based authentication. The AmbiSecure provides a simple and intuitive authentication experience that users find easy to use, ensuring rapid adoption and organizational security. Ambisecure key or card does not require a battery or network connectivity, making authentication always accessible.

About Ambimat Electronics:

With design experience of close to 4 decades of excellence, world-class talent, and innovative breakthroughs, Ambimat Electronics is a single-stop solution enabler to Leading PSUs, private sector companies, and start-ups to deliver design capabilities and develop manufacturing capabilities in various industries and markets. AmbiIoT design services have helped develop Smartwatches, Smart homes, Medicals, Robotics, Retail, Pubs and brewery, Security.

Ambimat Electronics has come a long way to become one of India’s leading IoT(Internet of things) product designers and manufacturers today. We present below some of our solutions that can be implemented and parameterized according to specific business needs. AmbiPay, AmbiPower, AmbiCon, AmbiSecure, AmbiSense, AmbiAutomation.

To know more about us or what Ambimat does, we invite you to follow us on LinkedIn or visit our website.


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